Casalonga UPC rules of procedure
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Easy navigation of the UPC Rules of procedure

Prepared by Casalonga’s litigation team, this website, on free and unlimited access, is designed for professional practitioners, to facilitate consultation of the legal texts relating to the UPC and its Rules of procedure.

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Direct view of all nested references into each Rule of procedure.

All references to other Rules or Articles of the UPC Agreement can easily be viewed by a simple click on the yellow arrows, without needing to change the page. [1]

[1Text example

Switch easily from a Rule to its commentary.

By clicking on the yellow Rule folder icon, you can resume reading the rule where you left off.

The website will remember the line you were reading, allowing you to switch from the comment to the Rule and vice versa, without losing the thread of your reading.

Some of the most important Rules have been completed by commentaries drafted by Casalonga.

To read the commentary relating to a specific Rule, simply click on the blue feather icons.

These commentaries only represent Casalonga’s opinion. Casalonga does not guarantee the interpretation provided herein.

Ergonomic navigation and reading system.

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